Our garden site is essentially carved out of a northern hardwood forest, and one of the bigger challenges we face as gardeners here is managing the forest’s attempts at reclaiming this space. Over the years trees have been removed and lower limbs elevated in an effort to allow more light to reach ornamental plants tucked in along wooded edges. Ornamentals such as astilbe, hosta and primroses- just to name a few- compete with native plants for space and attention in the understory, while the bulk of the garden’s collections of rhododendron, deciduous azalea, mountain laurel, hydrangea and other shrubs, constitute the middle layers within the vertical structure of the woodland garden.
View of woodland from back patio.

Rodgersia tabularis. (Astilboides tabularis). Total protection from strong sun and a moist soil are essential to grow this plant well.

Rhododendron and mountain laurel frame a path through the woodland garden.
Parrot tulips with Hosta montana 'Aureomarginata'.
A secret resting spot...
Rhododendron 'Ken Janeck' along woodland edge. Dry-laid stone wall constructed from stone collected on site.
Halesia carolina - "Carolina Silverbell". Pendant, bell shaped flowers adorn these trees in late May. Surprisingly hardy for a species native much further south.
Glaucidium palmatum- "Japanese Wood Poppy". A rare, shade loving, Buttercup family member from the woodlands of Japan. Maple-like leaves add interest in the summer.
Glaucidium - Mauve form.
Glaucidium - Rare white form.
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens. Our native yellow Lady's slipper orchid found in calcium rich woodlands. Easy to cultivate.
Primula sieboldii. A late spring blooming primrose from the woodlands of Japan. Many flower forms exist in cultivation.
Primula sieboldii - a darker and a fimbriated lighter flowered form growing over Phlox subulata.
Primula kisoana - Mt Kiso Primrose. Another Japanese species for shaded woodlands
Phlox stolonifera 'Sherwood Purple' - "Woodland Phlox". A bit of the straight species mixed in...